Sunday, 11 February 2018

On Wednesdays we wear pink| Single on Valentines Day

Oh the season of red and love... right after the ‘cosy af with bae’ during January blues and just before cutesy yellow and green tones popping up courtesy of Easter, the single folk first have to face the territory of red....  love in the air, love in the streets, couples holding hands, couples here there and everywhere. Couple goals seem to be on every corner (and by every corner I mean Instagram, because let’s be real who leaves the house these days, let alone in this FREEZING February..) and are actually making you want to puke if you’re single and in your 20s... But we still wear pink for the occasion....

It's just that time of the year again, us singletons go out of our way to jazz up the single life and say just how much we live for being single, we don't care, what even is Valentine's Day? We're not bothered... Ha, but I bet you are. Though don’t threat... You're not the only bitter person and I'm here with 14 great things about being single on 14th of February (if we've not been reminded enough). 

1. You might overload on lonely pizza and sale chocolate, but at least it's not a constant thing (unless you're a student with weak af will power, in which case you might just be f*cked). Being in a relationship and gaining weight is not a myth! 

2. Single people can hate on people in relationships with other single people until they're not single anymore, and then they can say how 'bitter' us single people tend to be.... you used to be one of us 

3. Rest! It's Wednesday, you've already had a long week, the last thing you need is a row about the reservations he forgot to make.... or go out on the p*ss with your pals, that works too... 

4. You might be alone on Valentine’s Day, but you’ve also been alone days before and will be the day after and all the days in between... so really nothing’s changed 

5. I’m sure you could have a boyfriend/girlfriend if you wanted to....... whatever we need to hear for self actualisation

6. People in relationships are actually gross.... and we get told we’re the gross ones

7.) but you can be verrrryyyy gross if you want to 

8.) You are a pro at those chat up lines, because you tried to work your magic to find that Prince Charming on bumble 

9.) You can watch that TV show whenever you want.... WHENEVER 

10.) Also, who’s got extra cash for presents that are not for you..... and Pizza for one pls and ty

11, 12,13, 14. You don't have to endure the pain of watching all the other couples look like they're having a blast with that set menu, then getting mad at bae for having a mediocre date, when everyones having one that's just as mediocre as yours

And that's it from me!

Outfit Deets:
Coat: Boohoo
Top: Missguided (Mine was on sale, but similar or on sale here)
Leggings: Pull&Bear (No longer on website, but similar here, here, here, here)
Boots: Missguided (NOW ON SALE!)

Side note.... big up to my friend Ford for editing and taking some amazing shots of this outfit and for making me feel all levels of sass despite it being a very busy afternoon... 


1 comment

  1. Great post! Valentine's Day is just a holiday, I don't think it matters if you're single or not! Love the outfit, especially the boots and the coat xx

    Yasmin 💗
    <a href="”>The Sweet Seven Five</a>


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